domenica 15 febbraio 2015


C'è una globalizzazione cattiva... e una globalizzazione meravigliosa! Tutto il mondo ormai conosce il logo JW!!

Partiti da piccoli inizi....

.... guardate dove siamo arrivati!



Public Witnessing Carts - Pioneer School gifts :) Made to 1:8 scale, here’s how: 1) Scale
publications to 12.5% original size. We arranged these in 5 strips to a sheet, each less than 2"
2) Laminate strips with 2" packing tape, and cut 3) With thin, 2" wide balsa wood, cut boards 2"
x 4.5". 4) Cut and angle pieces for bottom support and under publications. Different material
can be used 5) Paint and glue! We padded backs of books for a 3D effect, and got creative
with the buttons for wheels


Manchester, UK


THEY sang about it, so the Witnesses DID IT!
"Start spreading the news ... I wanna be a part of it in old New York. If I can make
it there, I'll make it anywhere, it's up to you New York, New York."

Frankfurt, Germany


"Our dear sister Kay, 89, preaches in front of her home in Newcastle, NSW. So far she has
started three Bible studies! Jehovah blesses our efforts in wonderful ways!"

Bogata, Colombia

Hermosillo Hermoso, Mexico

Suresnes, France

Irkutsk, Russia

Niagara Falls

Chivasso, Italy

Calabria, Italy


"Lovers of Freedom Meet at the Armada"

Los Angeles



West Texas University

Gothenberg, Sweden

There's got to be a story behind this one, but I have no clue what it is.


Czech Republic

Stockholm, Sweden

Jacksonville, Florida

Lynge, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark

Rome, Italy

Michoacan, Mexico


Genova, Italy

Jehovah's Witnessess have been given permission in BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA to
promoteJW.ORG in one shop in every town in the country. An avg. of 3,000+ people per
month have requested Bible studies (on


Uvongo Afrikaance, South Africa


Guadalajara, Mexico

Bukoba, Tanzania

Bethel Branch Office in Dominican Republic


Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

And this one has GOT TO BE my favorite!

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